Dr Manjula CN
Dr Manjula CN
Obstetrician & Gynecologist
Dr Manjula CN is a Obstetrician & Gynaecologist with wide expertise and Experience of 20+ years in treating and counseling health-related issues in women. After her post Graduation, she has served various premier institutes. Dr. B.R Ambedkar Medical College, ST. Mary’s Hospital, Fortis hospital,
Dr.expertise also includes preventive care, prenatal care(During Pregnancy) , Pap test screening and family planning. Dr. approach lies in understanding the concerns of a woman regarding fertility and pregnancy and the final delivery along with being open to deal with change that one cannot control. Her goal is to work with the mother, her family, and any other doctors if she has to, to get the best outcome and endearingly provide the smoothest experience for both the mother and baby.
As a lead Gynecologist in Offspring.